Friday 23 May 2014

Pakistan PM Sharif may attend Modi's swearing-in: PML-N

NEW DELHI: Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif may attend Indian PM-elect Narendra Modi's swearing-in on May 26, ruling party PML-N spokesperson hinted, according to a CNN IBN report.

However, there is no clariity whether Sharif will attend the ceremony as there is no confirmation from the Pakistan government officials. Sharif, according to the report, is exploring possibilities of the same.

Earlier, in an unexpected move, Pakistan Prime Minister as well as the head of other South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) nations was invited to Modi's swearing-in ceremony on Monday.

This is an unexpected diplomatic move following the combative positions the two nations - India and Pakistan - had taken when the Bharatiya Janata Party won a landslide victory in the just-concluded general elections.

All the heads of all SAARC countries, including Pakistan, were invited for Modi's oath-taking ceremony on May 26.

SAARC comprises, besides India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, the Maldives, Bhutan and Afghanistan.

However, all eyes are on Pakistan to see if Prime Minister Sharif will accept the unexpected invitation. (With inputs from agencies)

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